Privacy & Security

Privacy Policy

The Mahal E-com Pty Ltd


At The Mahal E-com Pty Ltd, we value and protect your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the details of:

  • Personal information collection and its purposes
  • How we use and disclose personal information
  • Your rights and choices regarding personal information

Key Points:

  1. Updates and Compliance:

    • Periodic updates reflect changes in products and services.
    • Compliant with Australian Privacy Principles and New Zealand Privacy Principles (for NZ residents).
  2. Privacy Commitment:

    • Ensuring transparency in collecting, using, and sharing personal information.
    • Encouraging customers to stay informed about data practices.
  3. Privacy Policy Overview:

    • Clearly articulates the company's commitment to privacy.
    • Encourages customers to read the full Privacy Policy for comprehensive information.
  4. Access and Correction:

    • Users can access personal information through the website portal or by contacting T.he Mahal.
    • Requests for information updates or corrections can be made.
  5. Security Measures:

    • Industry-standard security protocols safeguard personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.
    • Utilizes passwords, firewalls, anti-virus software, and premises security.
  6. Disclosure of Personal Information:

    • Personal information may be disclosed for specific purposes to employees, contractors, service providers, retail brands, suppliers, business advisors, and related companies.
    • Compliance with laws, regulatory requirements, and other lawful purposes.
  7. Direct Marketing and T.he Mahal Rewards:

    • Direct marketing communications may include email, SMS, regular mail, and digital channels.
    • Customers can opt-out of marketing communications.
  8. Overseas Disclosure:

    • Personal information may be disclosed to overseas entities for specified purposes.
    • Ensures reasonable steps to uphold privacy obligations.
  9. Other Services:

    • Additional terms may apply to seasonal or temporary services, promotions, and other events.
    • Privacy Policy remains applicable with potential supplementary terms.
  10. Contact Information:

    • Users can contact T.he Mahal via email or mail for inquiries, complaints, or information requests.
    • Candidates and employees have specific contact details for privacy-related concerns.
  11. Amendments:

    • Privacy Policy updates may occur, and amendments will be published on the official website.

For candidates and employees:

  • Contact details provided for privacy-related inquiries.
  • Note: This Privacy Policy excludes current and former employees' personal information.

Contact Information:

  • Email:
  • Mail: The Privacy Officer, The Mahal E-COM Pty Ltd, 64A Oxford Road, Ingleburn NSW 2565, AUSTRALIA

This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to protecting your personal information and encourages transparency and awareness among our valued customers.